Litecoin Mixer Fees

Our minimum fee is 0.1% plus 0.0001 LTC for every incoming transaction. We highly recommend setting a custom fee to prevent amount-based blockchain analysis. You will receive a discount on the service fee after your first order. Mix more and pay less with LtcHero Litecoin Mixer!

Why Choose LtcHero Mixer?

LtcHero Litecoin Mixer is the most reliable, fastest, and lowest fee mixer in the world. We offer three package options tailored to our users' needs: Standard, Silver, and Gold.

Standard Mixer

Fee: 0.1%

[equivalent to 1⁄1000]


  • ◾ Up to 24-hr configurable delays.
  • ◾ Up to 2 output addresses.
Silver Mixer

Fee: 0.2%

[equivalent to 2⁄1000]


  • ◾ Fast payouts confirmation.
  • ◾ Up to 48-hr configurable delays.
  • ◾ Up to 5 output addresses.
Gold Mixer

Fee: 0.4%

[equivalent to 4⁄1000]


  • ◾ Fast payouts confirmation.
  • ◾ Up to 96-hr configurable delays.
  • ◾ Up to 10 output addresses.

Choose LtcHero Litecoin Mixer for the best blending experience with minimal fees and top-notch reliability!

Standard Mixer

Service Fee: 0.1% [ equivalent to 11000 ]

Amount (LTC) Discount Last Fee You Save
1 – 10 Ł - 0.1% -
10 – 20 Ł 0.005% 0.095% up to 0.001 Ł
20 – 30 Ł 0.01% 0.090% up to 0.003 Ł
30 – 40 Ł 0.015% 0.085% up to 0.006 Ł
40 – 50 Ł 0.02% 0.080% up to 0.01 Ł
50 – 75 Ł 0.025% 0.075% up to 0.01875 Ł
75 – 100 Ł 0.03% 0.070% up to 0.03 Ł
100 – 150 Ł 0.035% 0.065% up to 0.0525 Ł
150 – 250 Ł 0.04% 0.060% up to 0.1 Ł
250 – 500 Ł 0.045% 0.055% up to 0.225 Ł
500 – 1000 Ł 0.05% 0.050% up to 0.5 Ł
1000 – 2500 Ł 0.055% 0.045% up to 1.375 Ł
2500 – 5000 Ł 0.06% 0.040% up to 3 Ł
5000 – 7500 Ł 0.065% 0.035% up to 4.875 Ł
7500 – 10000 Ł 0.07% 0.030% up to 7 Ł
10000 Ł and more 0.08% 0.020% up to 8 Ł
For each additional forwarding address, an extra fee of 0.0001 LTC will be applied.

Silver Mixer

Service Fee: 0.2% [ equivalent to 21000 ]

Amount (LTC) Discount Last Fee You Save
1 – 10 Ł - 0.2% -
10 – 20 Ł 0.0075% 0.1925% up to 0.0015 Ł
20 – 30 Ł 0.015% 0.185% up to 0.0045 Ł
30 – 40 Ł 0.0225% 0.1775% up to 0.009 Ł
40 – 50 Ł 0.03% 0.17% up to 0.015 Ł
50 – 75 Ł 0.0375% 0.1625% up to 0.028125 Ł
75 – 100 Ł 0.045% 0.155% up to 0.045 Ł
100 – 150 Ł 0.0525% 0.1475% up to 0.07875 Ł
150 – 250 Ł 0.06% 0.14% up to 0.15 Ł
250 – 500 Ł 0.0675% 0.1325% up to 0.3375 Ł
500 – 1000 Ł 0.075% 0.125% up to 0.75 Ł
1000 – 2500 Ł 0.0825% 0.1175% up to 2.0625 Ł
2500 – 5000 Ł 0.09% 0.11% up to 4.5 Ł
5000 – 7500 Ł 0.0975% 0.1025% up to 7.3125 Ł
7500 – 10000 Ł 0.105% 0.095% up to 10.5 Ł
10000 Ł and more 0.12% 0.08% up to 12 Ł
For each additional forwarding address, an extra fee of 0.0001 LTC will be applied.

Gold Mixer

Service Fee: 0.4% [ equivalent to 41000 ]

Amount (LTC) Discount Last Fee You Save
1 – 10 Ł - 0.4% -
10 – 20 Ł 0.015% 0.385% up to 0.003 Ł
20 – 30 Ł 0.03% 0.37% up to 0.009 Ł
30 – 40 Ł 0.045% 0.355% up to 0.018 Ł
40 – 50 Ł 0.06% 0.34% up to 0.03 Ł
50 – 75 Ł 0.075% 0.325% up to 0.05625 Ł
75 – 100 Ł 0.09% 0.31% up to 0.09 Ł
100 – 150 Ł 0.105% 0.295% up to 0.1575 Ł
150 – 250 Ł 0.12% 0.28% up to 0.3 Ł
250 – 500 Ł 0.135% 0.265% up to 0.675 Ł
500 – 1000 Ł 0.15% 0.25% up to 1.5 Ł
1000 – 2500 Ł 0.165% 0.235% up to 4.125 Ł
2500 – 5000 Ł 0.18% 0.22% up to 9 Ł
5000 – 7500 Ł 0.195% 0.205% up to 14.625 Ł
7500 – 10000 Ł 0.21% 0.19% up to 21 Ł
10000 Ł and more 0.24% 0.16% up to 24 Ł
For each additional forwarding address, an extra fee of 0.0001 LTC will be applied.

Exclusive Discount with LtcHero

At LtcHero, we value our loyal users and offer a special discount for returning customers. Once you complete your first transaction, you will receive a unique LtcHero Code. This code will be active on subsequent transactions, providing you with a 50% discount on our service fee.

How it works: After each new deposit and transaction, you'll receive a new LtcHero Code (e.g., Pjijv4UZIE) which will remain active for all future transactions. This exclusive offer is our way of thanking you for your continued trust in LtcHero.

After confirming your order, the LtcHero Code will be activated and can only be used once. However, you will be provided with a new LtcHero Code for each new order, granting you another 50% discount. For more details on how to maximize your savings with our service fees and discount program, please refer to the fees table below.

We are committed to providing you with the best value and ensuring your transactions are secure and private. Thank you for choosing LtcHero.

Create Litecoin Mixing Order

Ltc Amount ( ? ) :

to {{getShotAddress(item.InputAddress)}}
to {{getShotAddress(item.InputAddress)}}

LtcHero Code ( ? ) :

Receiving litecoin address:

Invalid Litecoin address
Duplicate Litecoin address
🕑 {{delay ? 'Remove delay' : 'Set delay'}} ➕ Add address

Time delay

Percentage distribution

Service fee: {{getFee()}}% - {{getDiscount()}}% (discount) ? = {{gettotalfee()}}% fee + {{gettotalextrafee()}} LTC

Security level:
Fast payouts confirmation
Up to 24 hours of configurable delays
Up to 2 output addresses
Fast payouts confirmation
Up to 48 hours of configurable delays
Up to 5 output addresses
Premium plan for old valuable clients *
Up to 48 hours of configurable delays
Up to 5 output addresses
* Plan is valid till Jan 31, 2019
Fast payouts confirmation
Up to 96 hours of configurable delays
Up to 10 output addresses

You receive ?:

GET VALUE TIME Receive Address
{{ amounts[$index] }} LTC ({{ item.percent.toFixed(2) }}%) immediately after {{ getItemDelay(item) }} to {{getShotAddress(item.address)}}